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Nurse with Patient


Enhancing nursing education and research collaboration between the United Kingdom, Indonesia and the world

TNE Nurse UKIND (Transnational Nursing Education UK and Indonesia) was created in 2021; a collaboration between the School of Nursing and Midwifery, HeMS, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge and the School of Nursing , Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia. The first project is funded by the British Council Indonesia (2022-2023) through Going Global Partnership Scheme. Since its establishment, The Team has been proud to serve the global nursing  community, initially  by implementing the Going Global Partnership project between the two universities.  Our aim is to support ARU and UGM, other higher education institutions, health care providers, governments, charities/agencies and nurses to share  or apply quality of nursing education,  international mobility/ transfer of nursing knowledge and research. We welcome you to look through our website to see all we have to offer and how you can collaborate with us.


How We Got Here

The State of the World’s Nursing 2020 (WHO, 2020) recommends investment in nursing education by accelerating and sustaining jobs and leadership to avoid a six million-strong global workforce shortage and to meet the goal of “health for all by 2030”.

In the UK, nursing education can only be conducted at approved educational institutions.  Nursing standards and registration are regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. In comparison, the publication of the Nursing Act (UU Keperawatan Nomor 38, 2014) has stipulated how nursing in Indonesia is managed. Yet, due to many different education institutions and bodies, there are many practical issues; a crucial challenge is the development and application of measures to ensure that nursing graduates are clinically competent.  

The Team is committed to  enhance stronger  collaboration between  Indonesia and the UK nursing communities. Thanks to British Council Indonesia Team who has supported the first project between  ARU and UGM through Going Global Partnership scheme.  

For more information about the activities we do, reach out today.

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Working across organisational and geography boundaries



Project Lead - UK

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Co-Project Lead- Indonesia

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Head of Dept Nursing and Midwifery Cambridge ARU



Deputy Head, Course Leader Chelmsford ARU

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Associate Professor  Digital Innovation in Nursing ARU



Secretary Undergraduate Nursing Programme UGM



Head Medical Surgical Nursing UGM



Head Dept: Pediatric and Maternity Nursing UGM



Project Administrator UGM

ARU Managerial and Support Team

  1. Prof Nigel Harrison (Faculty Dean)

  2. Dr Mellanie Bird (Head of School Nursing and Midwifery – Chelmsford)

  3. Dr Lauren Crabb (Director of International Partnerships)

  4. Liberty Gibson (Research and Innovation Funding Manager)

  5. Dr Mark Norrish (Pro Vice Chancellor International Partnership)

  6. Martin McCharty (Transnational Education Development Manager)

  7. Meganne Lawrence (Progression Exchange Coordinator)

  8.  Nic Guthrie (Deputy Head Simulation and Skills), Sharon Ferrie (Director of Practice)Lesley Drayton (Deputy Head , Cambridge)

  9. Lois Cheung, Helen Armer, Kate Pease, Mario Mesilio, Matthew Sarfas  (Finance)

  10. Tuuli Boateng, Lena Gauld (Legal Team)



British Council Indonesia

  1. Hugh Moffaff/Summer Xia  (Bussiness Director)

  2. Muhaimin Syamsudin (Head of Education)

  3. Linda Djayusman ( Programme Manager Education)

UGM Managerial and Support Team 

  1. dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, M.Sc., Ph.D., FRSPH (Dean)

  2. dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, Ph.D (Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs)


WHAT WE HAVE DONE (2021-2023)

Promoting excellence in nursing education

1. Virtual seminar on nursing education; needs, innovations and support in response to Covid-19 and beyond

2. Virtual nursing competencies/OSCE seminar/workshop (2 days).

3. Curriculum benchmark and workshop in Yogyakarta, indonesia

4. Virtual joint teaching sessions  for Pre registration nursing students

5. Curriculum benchmark, transnational education workshops, education/clinical observation in Cambridge,  Chelmsford, Peterborough and Greenwich UK

6. Expanding collaboration with other organisations, e.g. The Indonesia Embassy in London, PPNI-INNA/Indonesian National Nurses Association, AIPNI-AINEC,  Nursing and Midwifery Council/NMC, Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Northwest Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, Poltekkes Yogyakarta, Nursing Simulation Greenwich University, Diaspora Indonesia, UGM Teaching Hospital. 


Priharjo, R;  Alim, S; Jenkins, L, Samuel, H; Shaw, S; Aulawi, K; Pertiwi, AP ; Poernomo, W; Izzati, RM . (2022) Introduction to Transnational Education UK-Indonesia,  Innovation of nursing education in response to Covid-19 and beyond, Virtual seminar, Anglia Ruskin University-Universitas Gadjah Mada , 24 February 2022   (full text)

Samuel, H. (2022) Designing and delivering virtual simulation placements  for Nursing Students,  Innovation of nursing education in response to Covid-19 and beyond, Virtual seminar, Anglia Ruskin University-Universitas Gadjah Mada , 24 February 2022  (full text)

Jenkins, L. (2022) Strategies for sustaining and enhancing health care education during Covid-19 pandemic,  Innovation of nursing education in response to Covid-19 and beyond, Virtual seminar, Anglia Ruskin University-Universitas Gadjah Mada , 24 February 2022 (full text) 

Setyawan, A. (2022) National nursing education strategies for adjusting Covid-19 pandemic and beyond, Innovation of nursing education in response to Covid-19 and beyond, Virtual seminar, Anglia Ruskin University-Universitas Gadjah Mada , 24 February 2022 

Fadilah, H (2022) Empowering nurses through global and national Covid- 19 pandemic, Innovation of nursing education in response to Covid-19 and beyond, Virtual seminar, Anglia Ruskin University-Universitas Gadjah Mada , 24 February 2022 

Priharjo, R;  Alim, S; Jenkins, L, Samuel, H; Shaw, S; Aulawi, K; Pertiwi, AP; Poernomo, W; Izzati, RM  (2022) Enhancing the scale and scope of Higher Education Transnational Education in Indonesia and the UK, Mapping Clinical Nursing Competencies between Indonesia and UK - Trans National Education (TNE) virtual seminar,   28 June 2022 (full text)


Guthrie, N (2022) Supporting and Assessing Students in Clinical Practice and OSCE, Mapping Clinical Nursing Competencies between Indonesia and UK - Trans National Education (TNE) virtual seminar,   28 June 2022 (full text)


Bland, J and Dodimead, C (2022), The NMC Test of Competence (ToC) for Overseas Nurses,  Mapping Clinical Nursing Competencies between Indonesia and UK - Transnational Education (TNE) virtual seminar,   28 June 2022  (full text)  (NMC OSCE information)

Aulawi, K and Kariasa, IM (2022), Development of OSCE in Indonesia. Mapping Clinical Nursing Competencies between Indonesia and UK - Trans National Education (TNE) virtual seminar,   28 June 2022

Samuel, H, (2022), Structure of Nurse Education (UK), Transnational Nursing Education: Curriculum and competencies virtual workshop,  Anglia Ruskin University- Universitas Gadjah Mada, Wednesday 29 June 2022, 

Haryani,  (2022), Structure of Nurse Education (Indonesia), Transnational Nursing Education: Curriculum and competencies virtual workshop,  Anglia Ruskin University- Universitas Gadjah Mada, Wednesday 29 June 2022

Priharjo, R; Samuel, H and Guthrie, N, (2022) Health Care System in The UK and in Indonesia (Comparing Priorities). Transnational Nursing Education Curriculum Benchmark and Workshop, Anglia Ruskin University- Universitas Gadjah Mada,  Yogyakarta, 23 November- 1 December 2023

Priharjo, R; Samuel, H and Guthrie, N, (2022) Nursing Education System in The UK and Career Opportunities, Transnational Nursing Education Curriculum Benchmark and Workshop, Anglia Ruskin University- Universitas Gadjah Mada, 23 November- 1 December 2023

Priharjo, R; Samuel, H and Guthrie, N, Ariani (2022) The doctorate journey, from students to supervisors’ perspectives. Guest Lecture sessions for Master’s and Doctorate Students FK-KMK UGM, 30 Nov 2022


Priharjo, R and  Putri Pertiwi, A (2022) Leadership in education and practice contexts. Guest Lecture sessions for master’s and Doctorate Students FK-KMK UGM 1 Dec 2022 (full text)

Priharjo, R, (2022) Leadership in nursing education and practice. Guest Lecture session for Doctorate Students Leadership, Universitas Indonesia, Dec 2022

Syahirul A and Aulawi K, (2023) Structure of first degree/ undergraduate nursing programme in Indonesia/ Universitas Gadjah Mada. TNE Nurse UKIND Curriculum benchmarking Workshop, Cambridge 11 May 2023

Drayton, L, (2023) Structure of BSc (Hons) adult nursing and assessment in practice. TNE Nurse UKIND Curriculum benchmarking Workshop, Cambridge 11 May 2023

Shaw, S, (2023) Technology to support teaching and learning and the use of hololens to enhance clinical skills for students. TNE Nurse UKIND Curriculum Benchmarking Workshop, Cambridge 11 May 2023  (full text) 

Harrison, N, (2023) Introduction to Anglia Ruskin University and HEMS; our priorities and current development. Transnational Education - Going Global partnership  and Workshop, Chelmsford, 16 May 2023

Norrish and Crabb L, (2023) Introduction to International strategies at ARU, Transnational Education - Going Global partnership  and Workshop, Chelmsford, 16 May 2023

Muhaimin, (2023) Future education opportunities  and international partnership between Indonesia and UK (2023 and beyond) Transnational Education - Going Global partnership  and Workshop, Chelmsford, 16 May 2023 (UK Indonesia TNE)

Alim, S; Aulawi, K; Priharjo, R; Samuel, H. (2023). Internationalisation of nursing education -UGM and TNE Nurse UKIND/GPP progress ,Transnational Education - Going Global partnership  and Workshop, Chelmsford, 16 May 2023

Lawrence, M. (2023) Mobility and Turing funding. Elective placement Transnational Education - Going Global partnership  and Workshop, Chelmsford, 16 May 2023

Sibona-Moyo, R. (2023) International recruitment for nurses into NHS Transnational Education - Going Global partnership  and Workshop, Chelmsford, 16 May 2023

Priharjo, R;  Alim, S; Jenkins, L, Samuel, H; Shaw, S; Aulawi, K; Pertiwi, AP ; Poernomo, W; Izzati, RM . (2023)  Enhancing Competencies for Future Nurses in the United Kingdom and Indonesia through Transnational Nursing Education (TNE Nurse UKIND),
 Symposium for UK-Indonesia Higher Education Collaboration in East Java 23  October 2023 (full text)

Full texts will be available soon. 


We listen and act......

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“The materials were excellent, relevant with nursing issues in Indonesia”. 

“Eager for the next seminars and workshops”.

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“Getting to know different people and their cultures in terms of nursing practice”

“The discussion and sharing is so interesting. I really enjoy this session, because I was able to speak in English (although not so well) and also get a feedback in English too. It really nice to know about nursing practice in another country”

“Interacting with students from Indonesia and understanding how health care practices are similar/different to ours.”

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"The webinar gave great information about OSCE delivered by expert speakers in their area”.


Levelling up nursing competencies and best practice


16-17, 20-21 2023
Facilitators: Nic Guthrie and Daniel Heggie

Doctor's Appointment


July- August 2024

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2023- 2025 Work in Progress



Work in progress

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Young Hands Holding Old Hands


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